Amazing Space Adventure

Amazing Space Adventure is a game I've been thinking about for a while. I did some experiments to see if it's technically viable. Now I've decided to start developing the game.

Development is going to be slow. It's an ambitious project, and I'm doing this in my scarce free time. I'm not a pro game developer. I'm still getting used to the tools (Godot Engine). I'm playing the long game for this one. There will be pauses when I'm busy with other stuff: life, family, work, side projects, etc. And that's okay, there is no rush, no deadline. But one thing I've noticed in the past is that when a project takes more time, then after a while (weeks, months) I lose focus and interest. I forget why I bothered. The vision, the dream, has faded. For the few past years, my solution has been simply not do big projects. Think small. Tiny games. I've participated in Trijam a couple of times. That was fun, and I will probably keep doing that. But it's also sad too realize you might never build something bigger, afraid to dream big.

This time, I'm going to try to avoid that trap and do some things differently:

  • One: Write down my vision. I can go back to it and remember why I started this. (done. See, next post.)
  • Two: Go public early and get feedback. Start a dev-blog (done). Post updates. Join jams that allow continued development (done, joined Marathon Jam). Post updates on social media (Discord, twitter).
  • Three: I've always worked solo. But this project is ambitious and I can only do so much. Let's see if there are other people out there who want to be involved. Artists. Musicians. Designers. Other programmers.

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